Nov 3, 2011

The king of procrastination

Well, it's been about 7 months since I created this blog, and there is still NOTHING in it. While I might be one hell of a lazy person, this is just way too much.

From now on, you could call me "The King of procrastination" (or "The King" in case you don't feel like writing that much), but I don't like that.
So let's update a little, shall we?

The sad thing that, save from a little detail which will be explained latter, I'm not really going against the internet tradition. If you produce any kind of internet media, sooner or later you'll start to procrastinate your work. It happens to animators, to video-game producers, to musicians, and particularly, to web-comic artist.

And truth be told, I'm not really sure this only applies to the virtual world.
Our generation is procrastination-prone, gods knows why.
But it's on the internet where this is clear as hell.

Just to give an example, it's easier to count the famous web-comic artist that do accomplish their schedule than those who don't.... which leads to that small detail I didn't explain before...

I don't fully follow the Internet-procrastination criteria simply because I am not popular. My only hope to get this entry read is that one or two 13-year-old virgins will read my Blog attempting to follow the "YuGiOh Hentai" tag (C What i dId thre?), or that I get madly popular in the distant future, and some bored procrastinating 15-year-old virgins will read this entry in an attempt to avoid doing their home-work. My bet goes on the first option.

In fewer words, there seems to be a weird and extremely disappointing relation between Internet fame and procrastination of works.
I'm not talking about they taking more time to produce better quality stuff, or produce more stuff. (like printed versions or convention stands) I'm talking about general lack of work.

You've seen it a million times before, some guy starts doing something just for fun, something small and of low quality. Then he gets better and starts getting more views. Gets more popular, and popular. His work is at its peak of its popularity, and now he is able to make a living out of it and have all the resources to produce quality material.... and then.... and then he simply stops working.
When it was for fun, he would do 25 chapters a year. Now, you would be lucky if he produces 2 chapters a year. And that's if he doesn't quit being productive at all and lives out of his previous works and being popular.

It always makes me wonder why. Truth be told, I don't have a definitive answer for this.
People working passionately on something when it's small and unpopular, but then quitting it when they can produce big and get to the hearts of many. It's just bothers me...

To me, it's only a matter of pressure. The obligation they feel to keep their work is what drives them away from doing them. This makes sense, particularly when you consider that "no pressure" is most likely what driven them to produce them in first place.
Those things were side projects, something this guys did on their free time. There was no obligation to make them, they wanted to make them.

Perhaps one of the greatest lessons of life should be how to cope with pressure.


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